Your Time
As an organization we understand our responsibility towards our countryman. In order to fulfill our mandate we carry out Social and welfare activities in communities. These activities involve spreading health awareness in students and communities, free medical camps, helping students with their education expenses, distribution of food, clothes and shoes to the needy, Tree plantation and many more.
Our volunteers are important to us. Through their valuable time, talent and skills, volunteers help us fulfill our mandate. At the same time, many volunteers also find meaning for themselves in learning new skills, giving back, and building connections in their community.
By volunteering at KAUSH HEALTH you will have the opportunity to:
Acquire new knowledge and new skills.
Use your professional skills to support your community.
Connect to people alike in interest and skills, sail together and expand your experience.
Meaningfully contribute to the community through collaboration with ethno-cultural groups and other partners.
Promote your career and better your qualifications for your future endeavors.
Strengthen your network and establish contacts in your field of interest.